What People Are Saying…

“Sal will be an extraordinary addition to the Supreme Court.”

Justice Phil Talmadge (Ret.), Washington Supreme Court

“Sal is an experienced and thoughtful attorney, with a varied career. Importantly, he is also a decent human being who has helped those in need and understands the importance of the rule of law. Sal will be an excellent justice on the Washington State Supreme Court.”

Judy Bendich

“I have known Sal for nearly 30 years as a colleague, opponent, law partner and friend. He is a wonderful person and skilled lawyer. He is honest, fair and practical. He is an absolute gentleman. Sal will be an incredible Justice.”

Brad Davis, Mediator

“Sal will be an excellent complement to the profile of our Supreme Court.”

C. Scott East, Attorney

“Experience is undeniable! 40 years!”

Edgar Fortune, Founder/President, Global Insular Conservation Society

“Sal has devoted his life to justice for all. His values, his history, his actions make him uniquely qualified to serve as a Justice on the Washington Supreme Court.”

Peter J. Grabicki, Attorney

“Sal is a proven leader committed to justice and equity.”

Paul Holland, Law Professor/Attorney

“Sal has a beloved footprint in our legal community. He is wise and he genuinely cares about people. I can't think of a better person more suited for the Supreme Court position.”

Jemima McCullum, Attorney, Gordon Thomas Honeywell LLP

“I have known Sal for many years through St. Charles Barromeo Church in Tacoma and I know him as a smart man with integrity. He is well respected by others in the law and the community; he has my full support.”

Linda Moran, Retired Sr. AAG

“I fully endorse Sal Mungia for Washington State Supreme Court justice. No one is more qualified.”

Elizabeth Quick, Attorney, Quick Law Group

“We need people from humble beginnings on the High Court to balance those from beginnings of wealth and privilege.”

Curt Scott

“Sal has demonstrated his commitment to improving our community and access to justice throughout his career. Sal Mungia would be an asset on the Supreme Court.”

Richard Wooster, Attorney/Mediator, Kram & Wooster

Sal is exceptionally well qualified to be a judge on Washington’s highest court. Even more importantly, he is a thoughtful, caring person and a servant leader.

Al Amado, Rule of Law Academician and International Consultant

Sal Mungia is one of the best lawyers in the State of Washington and we all would benefit immensely by his election to the Washington State Supreme Court.

William Oltman, Professor Of Law, Emeritus

“By background, reputation, and character Sal Mungia is eminently well qualified for the state supreme court.”

Judge Terrence Carroll (Ret.), King County Superior Court

“Sal would be a great addition to the Washington Supreme Court.”

Patti Dailey, Chair, Washington Democrats Disability Caucus

“I've seen Sal's work for decades. He has worked tirelessly to make Washington more just and fair. He would be a great Supreme Court Justice.”

Laura Anglin

“I cannot think of a better-qualified candidate for the Washington Supreme Justice position.”

Ahmet Chabuk, Lawyer and Professional Engineer

“Sal is an outstanding lawyer and a better person. He will be excellent as a Washington State Supreme Court Justice. A man for the people.”

Marc Christianson

“WA would be fortunate to have Sal on its highest court.”

Kevin Díaz, Chief Legal Advocacy Officer & General Counsel

“I've been opposing counsel to Sal, and from that experience, I can attest to his intellect, integrity, and caring nature. He has just the integrity that the people of Washington need in a judge.”

Jeffrey Even

“I'm glad you're running and we will be supporting your campaign—Good Luck!”

Todd Gardner

“I have known Sal for decades practicing in Tacoma. Absolutely one of the hardest working, most capable attorneys I have dealt with, along with a stellar record of public service to the law. He will make an outstanding Justice!”

Joanne Henry

“Sal is bright, hardworking, and compassionate and will make an excellent Supreme Court jurist.”

Daniel Kyler, Attorney

“I cannot think of a more qualified individual to serve on Washington's highest court, both professionally and personally.”

Travis Mahugh, Attorney

“Sal Mungia has the highest reputation a lawyer can have. He would be a superb member of the Washington Supreme Court.”

Eugene Moen, Attorney

“Vote for a candidate who truly values the principles of justice and equality!”

Nick Patel, President, Kalyan Hospitality

“I support Sal to keep the Supreme balanced and fair.”

James Russell, Retired Educational Administrator

“Sal is a stalwart for justice and both energetic and fair-minded.”

Gordon Wilcox, Endowment for Equal Justice

I wholeheartedly support Sal Mungia for the Washington Supreme Court. He is a champion of justice for everyone. Please join me in supporting Sal.

Catherine Clark, Attorney

Sal visited the Evergreen State College Tacoma when I was an undergraduate student. I was the president of the pre-law club at this time. I wanted to become a lawyer and Sal took the time to meet and talk with us about the profession. Sal also also spoke before the student body. I did attend law school and Sal’s words stayed with me!

Corwin Scott

Sal is the perfect choice for the Supreme Court.

Dan Swenson

“I have known Sal for a number of years and always admired his professionalism and work ethic. When I was a Superior Court judge, Sal appeared before me on a number of cases so I got to see him excel in practice. He is an excellent practitioner, has a great legal mind, and has the values and understanding and empathy to be a wonderful addition to our Supreme Court.”

Judge Ronald Culpepper (Ret.), Pierce County Superior Court

“We need Sal, together with his intellect, experience and compassion on the Washington State Supreme Court.”

Dominic Bacetich, Attorney/Past President of WSAJ

“I have long admired Sal Mungia as a lawyer and as a leader in the Washington legal community. He is an also great model for how a lawyer in private firm practice can work to advance access to justice for all. His practice experience and his commitment to justice will make him an excellent justice on Washington’s high court.”

Robert Chang, Professor of Law and Executive Director, Fred T. Korematsu Center for Law and Equality, Seattle University School of Law

“I've been proud to call Sal my colleague for these many years at Gordon Thomas Honeywell and know he would grace the Washington Supreme Court with his formidable commitment to justice.”

Julie Dickens, Of Counsel, Gordon Thomas Honeywell

“Having had the honor of serving with Sal for many years in relation to the WSBA Board of Governors and his presidency of the Bar, I can support Sal without reservation. He is an extremely intelligent, capable and more importantly ethical lawyer. He will serve not a faction or part of our State but all.”

Geoff Gibbs, Shareholder, Anderson Hunter Law Firm

“I am honored to endorse Sal Mungia for the Washington State Supreme Court. He is distinguished in his career as a trial and appellate lawyer. His dedication to the legal system and commitment to the community have always impressed me. His background is impressive, and I'm inspired by his focus on social justice and equity. He has contributed much of his time and is a faithful public servant, as evidenced by his many awards and accolades. He would enhance the bench, and we'd be fortunate to have him serve in the WA State Supreme Court.”

Sandra Madrid, Retired, Assistant Dean, UW School of Law

“Sal is a champion for justice for all people.”

Vonda Sargent, Trial Lawyer

“Washington will be a better state with Sal serving as a Justice of the Supreme Court. He is fair, compassionate, thoughtful beyond measure, and committed to public service.”

Priya Saxena

I am a recently retired attorney andI have known Sal personally and professionally for over 25 years. Sal has demonstrated his passionate commitment to justice for all citizens his entire career. The State of Washington needs experienced and high character lawyers like Sal on the Supreme Court. I am proud to endorse his candidacy.

Chris Huss, Retired Attorney

Endorse Sal